April 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

E commerce system using MERN stack - Part 2

After setting up the project , it was time to get into coding , it was decided to implement the back-end first.

An express server was setup after installing the necessary dependencies. We opted to go with an open- source MongoDB GUI named Robo 3T . Once the necessary database connection was created and with the required project structure the project was pushed to a repository created on GitHub so that all the members of the team could follow the same structure.

I started working on the product model as it was a necessity for the requirements I had to follow. And then within the controllers folder I created the required methods that a stock manager needs to conduct the CRUD services , next within the routes folder the required routes were implemented to act as  REST API to the HTTP end points such as GET,POST,PUT and DELETE.

Friday, April 17, 2020

E commerce system using MERN stack - Part 1 (Diagrams)

As our Application Framework module project we were given instructions to implement online shopping cart system for a Fashion store using the MERN stack. We as a 4 member group decided on the prerequisites such as ,
  • The IDE to work on as WebStorm.
  • To use GitHub to host the version controlling.
  • As per the instructions to use the MERN stack to implement the application.
  • Understand the requirements that is needed for the project.
  • To use Bootstrap 4 and react-bootstrap to add styling.
According to the user roles provided I was given the user role of store manager, and according to the store manager's functionalities i was able to come up with several diagrams.

High level architecture diagram based on the store managers functionalities

Physical Diagram based on the store managers functionalities

After understanding about what needed to be implemented , we dived straight into  coding.....

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Simple REST API using Express, & MongoDB -Project Implementation

In the previous post i described how to setup the project in order to move onto the project implementation to create a REST API using Express and MongoDB.

And now let's dive into the fun part

First we will be implementing the server.js


const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const mongooes = require('mongoose');

{ useUnifiedTopology: true })

const db = mongooes.connection
db.on('error',(error) => console.log(error))
db.once('open',()=>console.log('Connected to DB'))


const subscriberRouter = require('./routes/users')

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server started'))

Initially we need to require the all necessary dependencies. Then the DB connection is needed to be created. Next it is required to define a middleware using express to recognize all incoming Request object as JSON. Next the required route is needed to be defined.

Next, we will be implementing the users.js  inside the model folder.

const mongoose = require('mongoose')

const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({

  type :String,
  require: true


  type :String,
  require: true



module.exports = mongoose.model('users',userSchema)

Finally, we will be implementing the users.js  inside the routes folder.

const express = require('express')
const router = express.Router()
const User = require('../models/users')

// Getting all users
router.get('/',async (req,res) =>{
   const users = await User.find()
}catch (err){


//Getting one user

//creating one user

const user = new User({

   const newUser = await user.save()



//updating a user
router.patch('/:id',getUser,async (req,res)=>{
  if(req.body.name !=null){
     res.user.name = req.body.name

     res.user.subscriberToChannel = req.body.subscriberToChannel
   const updatedUser = await res.user.save()


//deleting a user
router.delete('/:id',getUser, async(req,res)=>{
  await res.user.remove();
  res.json({msg:'Deleted Succesfully'})



async function getUser(req,res,next){
let user

  user = await User.findById(req.params.id)
  if(user == null){
    return res.status(404).json({msg:'Cannot find subscriber'})
}catch (err){
  return res.status(500).json({msg:err.message})

res.user = user

module.exports = router