A large number of developers have moved towards to the usage of JavaScript to build their applications specifically in web development. This has lead to a need to build and maintain frameworks for the JavaScript community to be able to develop application easily and efficiently.
The most important reason for Node to become more famous and accepted by every developer was the ability to use the same language both for the client-side and server-side scripting. Through the past few years there have been a large amount of frameworks built around Node.js due to the demand from the developers. I will be discussing about some of the most popular and in demand Node.js frameworks that should be considered in developing we applications.
Before spilling out the frameworks it is necessary to understand what a Node framework is.
A Node.js framework is just an abstract design , built of Node.js, which follows the control flow of a given framework's design.
Simply it it the skeleton of an application , the customized code that a developer writes provides the body to function as one and thereby complete the application. Every framework is unique and there is a path for every user to follow depending on the framework. The most important aspects of a framework are - its architecture and features
Selecting a Node Framework
Before randomly selecting a framework there are certain issues that is needed to be addressed. This is a bit tricky and it is mainly based on the way you want to develop your application. In a more technical manner , there are mainly 2 things to consider,
- The scalability and the validity of the framework.
- If you as a developer is capable of dealing with the development process.
Now it is time to discuss about the reason why i decided to write this post
Express.Js is a framework that every developer has heard of, even if you are not JavaScript die hard fan, you still would have come across this framework , due to its popularity. Most of the developers primary selection is considered as Express.Js. Express.Js is very well known for it's speed, flexibility and minimalism. It possess a large number of dynamic set of features, and it is suitable for both web and mobile applications.
It is simply a technology which is built on Node.js , which acts as a middleware that helps to manage our application servers and routes.
Features of Express.Js
- Ability to develop both single and multi-page applications in relationship with different web applications.
- Possess a view system supporting many template engines, providing the ability to create quick and quality applications.
- The framework comes with the MVC (Model-View-Controller), one of the most popular and sought out architectural patterns in development.
- Simply Express.Js is a routing table, performing many web actions based on HTTP methods.
- With extremely fast I/0 and robust API to make routing faster and easier, developers possess a big advantage.
- The learning curve is very low.
- Fully customisable.
- Express.Js always focuses on the performance.
Hapu.Js framework is a commercial centered server framework. It is both an Open Source Framework and a server framework.
It is simple yet rich , stable and reliable MVC framework for building applications and services.
It is best used to develop REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs. The framework is superb in configuration , stable and reliable.
Hapi.Js is same as Express.Js , where the framework helps to serve data by being the intermediate between the server side and client. It can be considered as a good substitute for Express. Unique feature of Hapi.Js is the ability to create a server on a specific IP, with features like the 'onPreHandler', we are able to do something with a request before it is completing by intercepting it and doing some pre-processing on the request.
Features of Hapi.Js
- Fixing bugs and adding new features is quick and smart. There is a built in powerful plugin network to ease this process.
- It provides users with routing , I/O validation and caching. This is why Hapi.Js powerfully compatible with REST APIs.
- Since the users can use it with MySQL, MongoDB and Postgres ,Hapi,Js can be considered as the most usable framework with flexible features.
- Hapi.Js comes with a plugin - nes . It gives the developers the ability to use real-time chat applications and other social applications.
- Hapi.js provides a JavaScript Templating Engine which gives the ability to render dynamic contents easily.
- Detailed API reference and a good support for document generation.